LeaderboardHQ Update
Shipped an update to LeaderboardHQ that includes the ability to see the total number of "rounds" scored and the option to reset the leaderboard.
These two features seem to set LeaderboardHQ apart from many of its competitors. Many games are made up of multiple games within a "set." Think of Tennis: A "match" often consists of at least two "sets" (best two out of three) with a minimum of six games in each set.
So it is important to know the number of scored "games" or "rounds" determining the current leader of the set. And once the set is complete, it is important to know how many "sets" each player has won. LeaderboardHQ can now accomplish this for you automatically.
Even if not critical to the scoring system. It can be fun to see the number of games played and all-time leaders. But it is optional to utilize the leaderboard reset option without displaying all-time leaders, as this can be turned off in settings.
More to come! I plan on adding more to the display of individual round/game details and control of editing/deleting players.